Tuesday, December 16, 2014


a couple nights ago, it was quite chilly out and snowy and the kids wanted hot cocoa.  jason doesn't drink hot drinks, but jacob said"daddy, i know the only hot drink you like... MOMMY!  you know... get it... she's hot!"   i love that boy!


today, at lunch, we were eating pizza and i was enjoying every stinkin' bite of it when jacob tells me... " mom, you're like a robertson man (from duck dynasty)... the way to a robertson's heart is through his stomach..."  and jason pops up with a "she has a beard too!"  jayden then quickly replies with" women with whiskers... it's a bummer" (from papa- phil robertson).  we just about all lost our lunch with that one.  ;) 

Thursday, November 20, 2014


much to our surprise... jayden accepted the offer to hamster sit for a friend.  for any of you that know our little girl, this is a HUGE feat!  she HATES animals and she did it!  she was so brave and we are so very proud of her!  love you big girl! xoxo

jacobism and jaceeism

so... i've been terribly busy and haven't been on here much, but i have  a few "isms" to catch up on...
#1- a few weeks back jacob saw this dog outside in a car and said, " DUDE!!!  LOOK AT THAT DOG... HE HAS MORE THAN ONE BELLY BUTTON!"  to which i had to explain... "honey, that's a girl doggy and those are her boobies so that she can feed her babies."  his reply... "SICK!"
#2- jacee has a pair of tap shoes from her cousin lily that she calls her "clap shoes".  makes sense.  ;) 

Friday, September 5, 2014

aunt 'retta

we lost a great lady last week.  aunt loretta was a woman who are family cherished and had a great respect for.  she was a courageous woman as the pastor said.  battling cancer and fighting the odds.  she had a temper and humor, love and compassion.  our kids will always remember going to her house and watching wipeout and aunt loretta always having water bottles with her. 
yesterday at the burial, the kids asked if we could bring aunt 'retta flowers in a week or two and go visit her.  i told them we sure could and jacee piped up and said she wanted to bring aunt retta some water... 'cause she likes to drink lots of water.  ;)  we love you aunt 'retta!

Friday, April 11, 2014

what's new

so, it's been a while since i've posted (other than the one about 5 minutes ago) .  we've been busy with life and school and extra activities, but we've been good.  jacee is potty trained during the day, still using the nappy at night.  jayden just lost her first tooth.  jacob is getting geared up for another summer of baseball.  all in all, we're doing great!  summer will bring a bunch more activities and busy-ness to the schedule, but we're excited for what God has in store for us.  we'll be cheering jacob on at games, having an anniversary vacation for my parents (their 35th), a family reunion for the hullingers, a few trips to rapid city for weekend getaways, and whatever else we can fit in. 
i've already planted many of my garden veggies in containers, my first time trying this.  it's almost time to get the full garden going and hopefully i'll have a bit of a headstart on that.  not much else going on, but ... thanks for reading! 


today's funny is brought to you by... jacob.  he was grading his sister in her wrestling abilities and he tells her... " jayden, you know what grade i give you for your wrestling?  a f-y... get it... FAIL-YOUR (failure)!!"  so coincidentally, jason thinks i get an f-y for a teaching grade.  ;)